34 items found
- Rentals | NOSMUSC
Student Rentals Beautiful Thunder Bay Home for Rent - River Terrace Available March 1, 2025 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms - Option to split into 2 Units Short walking distance to the hospital Monthly Rent: $3800. If split into 2 units: Upstairs $2200, downstairs $2000. See pictures here Please contact for more information. Beautiful Thunder Bay Home for Rent - Downtown Port Arthur Available October 1, 2024 Includes the top two floors of home in the heart of downtown Port Arthur. One bedroom and one bathroom with shower on the main floor and one bedroom and one bathroom with bath on the second floor. Close to downtown restaurants/coffee shops/parks; 30 minute walk to Lakehead University/Hospital. Furnished or unfurnished option available. Heat/gas bills are included. Hydro, cable, phone, and internet are additional costs for the tenant. Rent is $2800 per month. See pictures here . Please contact or message on the Rent Panda link attached above for more information. Thunder Bay 5-Bedroom Home for Rent - Port Arthur Available August 2024 Large home perfect for up to 5 students, located in the heart of Port Arthur Close to many amenities and bus routes. Only minutes away from NOSM University. Some rooms boast views of Lake Superior. Rent is 3600 per month. See pictures here . Please contact or 807-630-2882 for more information. Sudbury 4-Bedroom Home for Rent Fully furnished including beds, sheets, pillows, full kitchen, living room couches, kitchen table, laundry on site. Located on Central Ave, ~10 minute walk to LU campus. Please contact for more information.
- NOSMUSC | NOSMU Student Council
Welcome! Bienvenue! Boozhoo! Established in 2005, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine University Student Council (NOSMUSC) is the overarching society for the undergraduate student body of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine University (NOSMU)*. Voted by YOU, the Student Body, every year we aim to accomplish the following: NOSMUSC is your advocate in liaising with Faculty and Staff to bring about positive changes to the curriculum, policies, career counseling and wellness. NOSMUSC has a focus on providing a global perspective to health and wellness. We aim to offer countless opportunities for you to learn about, advocate for, and improve global, local, and personal health and wellness. NOSMUSC Executive is elected by YOU every year. Our objective is to focus on YOUR needs and to respond to them as best as we can. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything! NOSMSC aims to provide you with the resources required to succeed in medical school. We have guides for CCC, clinical skills, and other relevant study resources. Contact Us! First Name Last Name Message Email Send Thanks for submitting! Updated Aug. 2023
- Global Health | NOSMUSC
Global Health This page is your starting point for you to inquire about international electives, learn more about global health at NOSMU, access resources, and get involved in the international medical community. We are always looking to expand and update the information posted here. If you have any questions about global health, please don’t hesitate to contact your NOSMUSC VP Global Health Executives at What is Global Health? In a world where 3 billion people are living on less than $2.50 US per day, bearing 90% of the world’s disease burden and yet having access to less than 10% of its health resources, there are still astounding health inequalities. Although the field of Global Health is often equated with that of International Health, there is a growing definition that encompasses much more than health inequalities between populations. The field of Global Health is broadly defined by the International Institute of Medicine (IOM) as “health problems, issues, and concerns that transcend national boundaries may be influenced by circumstances or experiences in other countries, and are best addressed by cooperative actions and solutions.” Many associate Global Health with issues of health inequalities such as water sanitation and malnutrition, but more recently, it has come to encompass broader health issues faced of a global scale, such as urbanization, climate change, and chronic disease. In the era of globalization, we no longer live in a bubble. The health of Northern Ontarians is tied to factors beyond geographical and national borders. Increases in the flow of people, products, and information between countries and continents are dramatically influencing the world’s health. As a leader in social accountability, NOSMU is ensuring we have skills to improve the health of the populations we serve, both locally (including addressing health inequalities faced by the Indigenous peoples in Northern Ontario) and internationally. What is the Global Health Committee? The Global Health Committee is a group of students who meet regularly throughout the year to discuss and plan Global Health events, initiatives and opportunities for NOSMU students. The Global Health Committee is chaired by the VP Global Health Sr and Jr and consists of the Local Officer of Indigenous Health Sr and Jr, Local Officer of Exchanges Sr and Jr, Local Officers of Sexual and Reproductive Health (2), Global Health and Climate Change Advocate, and our Local Officer of Global Health Education. Our Executive Member Roles Indigenous Health Global health has been defined as “an area for study, research and practice that places a priority on improving health and achieving health equity for all people worldwide” (Koplan et al, 2009). Building upon this, a newer definition of global health was proposed – global health is “collaborative trans-national research and action for promoting health for all” (Beaglehole & Bonita 2010) Indigenous populations within Canada are in many senses unique nations with their own government/leadership, language, culture and land base. For a number of complex and inter-related reasons, Indigenous people experience higher burden of disease and lower health status than other Canadians. Considering the definitions of global health, reducing health inequalities and improving the health status of Indigenous peoples falls squarely within the goals of global health. At NOSMU, Indigenous health is emphasized specifically in our curriculum. Northern and Rural Health is Theme 1 of the five themes to our curriculum. We learn about Indigenous health in our Case Based Learning (CBL), through Community and Interprofessional Learning (CIL) placements, and through the Integrated Community Experience (ICE) of Module 106. During ICE 106, students spend 4 weeks living in Indigenous communities to learn about Indigenous culture and history, and to understand some of the health issues facing Indigenous peoples. Check out NOSMU’s Indigenous Affairs website for more information on NOSMU’s Indigenous focus, Indigenous communities in Ontario, and NOSMU’s 106 placement. References Beaglehole R & Bonita R. 2010. What is global health? Global Health Action 3:5142. (Open Access ) Koplan J et al. 2009. Towards a common definition of global health. Lancet 373:1993-5. Global Health Community Resource List Click HERE for the Global Health Community Resource document, a list of community based resources developed by the NOSMU Global Health Committee to aid in service navigation when providing care. International Exchange Information Click HERE for information on the International Federation of Medical Students' Association international exchange opportunities and the NOSM U 3-Step Application and Approval Process for all international exchanges. Click HERE for information regarding NOSM faculty open to having students involved in international research, clinical experiences, or courses. Are you NOSMU faculty and interested in having students join on international research or clinical work? Click HERE to complete a 3-minute survey to outline your work and potential student involvement. This information will be distributed to students through NOSMUSC.
- Contact Us | NOSMUSC
Contact Us NOSMUSC is created by the students for the students, consequently, we would like to hear from YOU! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the VP Communications at Let's Chat! Email Social Media First Name Last Name Email Message Thanks for submitting! Send Updated Dec. 2021
- Comittee rep info | NOSMUSC
Subcommittees Representatives Admissions Committee Representative Hannah Aalto (Y1W) Hailey O’Grady (Y3E) Government Affairs & Advisory Committee (GAAC) Alanna Makinson (Y3E) Hannah Mihkail (Y4E) Indigenous Reference Group (IRG) Chloe Smith (Y3E) Taylor Tom (Y1W) Local Exchange Officer (LEO) Radhika Nangia (Y3E) Tianna Bressan (Y2E) Local Officer of Indigenous Health (LOIH) Hannah Gray (Y1E) Taylor Tom (Y2W) Centralized Complementary Studies Committee (CCSC) Caleigh Bourdon (Y3E) Brieanne Olibris (Y3W) Student Assessment and Promotion Heather Lex (Y3W) Taylor Murie (Y3W) Student Travel Fund Allocation Angelina Curwin (Y1E) Jane Keating (Y3W) Wellness Committee Year 2 Isabelle-Gabrielle Hendel (Y2E) Brooklyn Ranta (Y2W) Wellness Committee Chair Kara Passi (Y3E) Program Evaluation Committee (PEC) Stefanie Nolet (Y2E) Caleb Lawlor (Y3W) Sebastien Labelle (Y4W) Awards Committee Representative Hannah Hyde (Y1E) Jade O'Donnell (Y2W) Cory Tremblay (Y3E) Ashley Perrault (Y4W) Health Sciences Library Advisory Group Jenna Schlorff (Y3E) Interprofessional Student Representative Kira Gouchie (Y1E) Local Officer of Global Health Advocacy (LOGHA) Tafheem-Un Nisa (Y2E) Local Officer of Reproductive and Sexual Health (LORSH) Alyssa Labelle (Y3E) Laurel Pirrie (Y1W) Program Evaluation Committee Stefanie Nolet (Y2E) Caleb Lawlor (Y3W) Sebastien Labelle (Y4W) Student Graduation Committee Rachel Belanger (Y4E) Sarah Herst (Y4W) Undergraduate Medical Education (UMEC) Meagan McGaughey (Y1E) Mateo Orranti (Y1E) Brieanne Olibris (Y2W) Sophie Thomas (Y4E) Wellness Committee Year 3 Megan Forgie (Y3E) Janelle Lazor (Y3W) Postgraduate Education Committee Representative Mackenzie Straub (Y2E) Francophone Admission Committee Simon Paquette (Y1E) Sebastien Labelle (Y4W) Northern and Rural Preparation and Implementation Committee Janik Dufour (Y3E) Local Officer of Environmental Health and Sustainability Elizabeth Arif (Y1W) Local Officer of Global Health Education (LOGHE) Savannah Tillberg (Y2W) Medical Education Committee (HSN and TBRHSC) Caleb Lawlor (Y3W) Lauren Hamill (Y1E) Research Committee Kathryn Culliton (Y3W) Committee to Support Student Professionalism Joanna Murtha (Y1E) Nusha Ramsoondar (Y4W) Wellness Committee Year 1 Lauren Thomas (Y1E) Piper Ennew (Y1W) Wellness Committee Year 4 Allie Chown (Y4E) Jacqueline Hanley (Y4W) Senate Megan Clark (Y2W) Tyler Pretty (Y3E) Andrew Watson (Y3E)
- Reimbursement forms | NOSMUSC
Reimbursement Forms For information or clarification on any of the reimbursement options, please contact the NOSMUSC VP Finance at Please note : Use the Travel Grant Funding form to apply for reimbursement in relation to conference attendance (more info HERE ) . Expense Reimbursement Form Please use this Excel form when submitting for reimbursement for expenses already incurred related to NOSMUSC initiatives; most often utilized for Interest Group (IG) reimbursements. Click here for more information. External Funding Attestation Form - Interest Groups This reimbursement form should be used by Interest Groups (IG) who have external funding that is stored in the NOSMUSC Banking Account The President/Chair of the IG must sign the form and submit it to the NOSMUSC VP Finance at No receipts required Student Travel Fund If you have recently attended a conference and would like funding support from the NOSMUSC, complete this Google form : This funding does not apply to electives, SEEs, clinical placements or courses, international exchanges, or the Ontario Medical Student Weekend (OMSW). You may only claim one conference per form. To apply for funding for multiple conferences, please complete a new form for each. Terms of reference (2024-2025) Click here for more information
- Incoming Students | NOSMUSC
Welcome Incoming Students! Please see the links below for information on various topics relevant to incoming students. We're still working on this page, so please check back often for updates! Class of 2028 Facebook Group Join this group to stay up to date on upcoming events and deadlines and to chat with current NOSM students! NOSMUSC Facebook Group Join our Facebook group to stay up to date with the NOSMUSC and learn about upcoming events for NOSMU students. You can also follow us on instagram @thenosmusc . NOSMUSC Portfolios Visit this page to learn more about all the ways the NOSMUSC works to support students at NOSMU. Student Rentals Visit this page for more information on rentals available for students in Thunder Bay and Sudbury. Orientation Week East | West Visit this page for more information on your orientation week. FAQs Coming soon! Visit this page for some answers to some frequently asked questions by Incoming students.
- About Us | NOSMUSC
Executive Council Year Reps Subcommittee Positions Our Partners Executive Council (2024/25) Cassandra Fenlon President Emily Hunt VP Finance Jr. Stevie Giles VP External Sr. Mateo Newbery Orrantia VP Education Jr. Savanah Tillberg VP Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Sr. Brooklyn Ranta VP Communications Jr. Matthew Redmond VP Executive Cory Tremblay VP Student Affairs Sr. Allison Jones VP External Jr. Div Patel VP Global Health Sr. Taylor Tom VP Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Jr. Piper Ennew Secretary Ryan Boudreau VP Finance Sr. Kamryn Butler VP Student Affairs Jr. Matthew Jones VP Education Sr. Tiana Bressan VP Global Health Jr. Brandon Grandinetti VP Communications Sr. Julie Leroux Past President Executive Team Year Reps Year Reps Saree Sasson Year 1 - East Meagan McGaughey Year 2 - East Thomas Edwards Year 3 - East Konnor Kennedy Year 4 - East Zachary Nott Year 1 - West Angus Foster Year 2 - West Claire Poulin Year 3 - West Taylor Murie Year 4 - West NOSMU Student Committee Positions Committee Positions Our Partners The NOSMUSC is proud to be partnered with external organizations that enable opportunities for student involvement and provide discounts on textbooks, question banks, airlines, and hotels. For any questions pertaining to any of the above organizations, please contact the NOSMUSC VP External at Our Partners Updated April 2024 About Us The NOSMU Student Council Executive is composed of 17 Executive Members and 8 Class Representatives who are actively involved in event planning, student advocacy, curriculum development, as well as ensuring the wellness of all NOSMU cohorts. Each portfolio is responsible for overseeing one of NOSMU’s many committees on which students sit. For more information on the organization, roles, and responsibilities of the Executive, see our Constitution .
- Price Negotiation Process & Updates | NOSMUSC
Price Negotiation Process & Updates Background The NOSMUSC health plan was initially implemented based on national average estimates. For the 2022-2023 academic year, the price was set at $371.17. Due to higher-than-expected student usage, this fee increased to $409.43 for the 2023-2024 academic year, as determined in winter 2023. This increase was based on projected usage for the entire 2022-2023 academic year. Current Situation In February 2024, we received the first comprehensive report on user data for the 2022-2023 academic year: NOSMUSC paid $75,000 in fees for the period of September 1, 2022, to August 31, 2023. Claims for the same period totaled $203,000, resulting in a usage rate of 269% - significantly exceeding insurance industry standards. Price Adjustment In response to this high usage rate, our insurer initially proposed increasing the price to over $650.00. Through negotiations, our insurance broker successfully secured a lower rate of $552.73 for the 2024-2026 period. Decision-Making Process The NOSMUSC Executive group carefully evaluated this information and decided to accept the fee increase while maintaining the current benefits package. This decision was made at the March 2024 Executive Meeting, considering factors such as high student benefit usage, limited decision time, and lack of immediate alternatives. You can review the March 2024 Meeting Minutes here . Future Considerations We recognize that this increase may be concerning for many students. Please be assured that we are actively exploring future options, including: Modifying the type of plan Offering multiple plans at various price points Exploring different insurance providers This topic will be addressed at our upcoming NOSMUSC Fall AGM (date to be announced). We encourage you to share your feedback with us, your student year representative, or me directly. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the NOSMUSC Executive team. Student wellness, both health and financial, remains a top priority for the NOSMUSC. We continue to encourage students to utilize their health benefits as we navigate these changes. Our commitment to advocating for our student population's needs, supporting you, and ensuring access to necessary health benefits remains steadfast. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to the NOSMUSC Executive team, your Year Representative or the president (email ).
- Educational Resources | NOSMUSC
EDI Resources Black Medical Students' Association of Canada / Association Canadienne des Étudiants Noirs en Médecine (BMSAC) * this is a list of suggested resources found to be useful by students. They are by no mean official NOSM resources and we do not own/update this content.
- Wellness | NOSMUSC
Learner Wellness We acknowledge that it can be challenging to reach out for help, and that sometimes it is unclear what resources are available to students. Please see the Infograph below for a summary of mental health resources available to NOSMU students provided by the Mental Health Interest Group and feel free to reach out to your Wellness Year Representatives or the Learner Wellness Committee Chair . NOSMU Well app NOSMU Learner Wellness Page WELLNESS4MDS