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Expense Reimbursement Process

When it is used:

When you have already incurred expenses related to NOSMUSC initiatives; most often utilized for Interest Group reimbursements. Reimbursement requests are to be sent within 30 days of the expense being incurred.


How it is used: 

  1. Download the Excel form to your computer. 

  2. Complete all cells highlighted in yellow. 

  3. Please make sure to sign as the requestor (line 35). An electronic signature is acceptable.

  4. Save as an Excel document. 

  5. Send to the Most Responsible Person (MRP) for the budget line item, and ensure their signature is provided (line 39). If the MRP is not known, please reach out to the VP Finance
         - Ex. For IG expenses, the group's president is the MRP.

  6. Send an email containing itemized receipts along with the reimbursement form containing both requestor and MRP signatures to Itemized receipts are required (i.e. receipts that indicate what items were purchased and not a simple debit/credit slip). Credit Card statements are not accepted.


What is required:

  • Reimbursement form including signatures of both MRP and requestor.

  • Itemized receipts.

  • Submission within 30 days of when expense(s) incurred.


When is funding received:

Completed requests are processed within 10-14 days of receipt by the VP Finance -

Student Travel Fund

When it is used: 

To be used following attendance of an approved event:

  • Approved events include, but are not limited to, conferences, seminars, and networking opportunities.

  • Excludes events where academic credit or certificates are given.

  • You do not require pre-approval, but if you have concerns about whether or not your planned event could be covered, please reach out to the VP Finance -

  • You do not need to be presenting to be considered for funding.

  • Both virtual and in-person events will be considered for funding.

  • Note, applications are to be made once expenses are incurred and the event has occurred.

    • Exceptions for events to be attended in May, in which case applications are required prior to events occurring for pre-approval. Emails outlining this specific process are sent closer to the deadline to apply.

  • Maximum funding of up to 70% for Domestic Conferences, and up to 50% for International Conferences of applicable expenses.

    • Applicable expenses include, but are not limited to, registration fees, transportation costs, accommodations, and meals (if not included in the registration fee - excluding alcohol).


Where it is found: HERE


How it is used:

  1. Complete the Google Form within 30 days of returning from the event.

  2. Email itemized receipts to VP Finance -

    1. i.e. receipts that outline what items were purchased and not credit/debit slips or credit/debit statements


When is funding received:

The Student Travel Fund Allocation Committee meets 3 times annually. Preliminary funding decisions are made at these meetings and up to $100 of preliminary funding may be provided to applicants following these meetings (usually in December and March).


In May of each fiscal year, all applications received for that year are considered in totality and final funding decisions are made.

  • If total applications do not exceed the total amount of funding available ($40,000), each application will receive up to 70% of applicable expenses for domestic events, and up to 50% for international events.

  • If total applications exceed $40,000, then applications may receive less than the maximal amount.


In summary, preliminary funding is provided on a semi-annual basis, with the remaining funding received in May/June of the fiscal year.


Student Travel Fund - Terms of Reference

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