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Students of the Semester


Daniel is a 4th year student on the West Campus, and is described by his peers as having unwavering kindness, exceptional work ethic, and diverse involvement in various spheres. He is the Pediatric Eye Ambassador for the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, the School Ambassador for Northern Vision, and president of the NOSMU Ophthalmology Interest Group. He is also involved in various research endeavors, and volunteers at his local soup kitchen. Finally, Daniel is viewed as being a source of positivity in his classroom and a great friend.


Mary is a 2nd year student on the East Campus, and is known for her self-discipline and dedication to her studies. Furthermore, Mary is known for her commitment to various extracurriculars including coaching high school football and hockey. She is also involved in assisting the team physician for the Sudbury Wolves, and playing various sports herself. Mary is described by her peers as always being willing to offer a helping hand, share her notes, and spread positivity within her class.


The NOSMUSC is proud to highlight student excellence! Although only 2 students were selected, we would like to acknowledge the many students at NOSMU that contribute positively to the student sphere.

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